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Eastwick Schools

Eastwick Schools

Year 6

Weekly Update - Friday 5th July 2024

Summary of this week:

 Dear Year 6 Parents and Carers,

We are nearly there! The children have been busy rehearsing their performance and we have now finished our RSE curriculum.


No homework set due to residential trip.

Notices & Reminders:

PGL – Few key reminders:


  • No mobile phones or electronic devices are allowed at PGL.
  • Please ensure medication is given to teachers with instructions included.
  • We cannot control the weather, so please ensure that some clothes that are suitable for rain are packed.
  • We will be leaving school at 10:00 on Monday morning, so please arrive at usual time of 8:40.

We will be arriving back around 16:00 on Friday, we will send updates if we are running late.

PGL - Parent Information

PGL Evening - Parent Information Slides

SATs Information

Please click on the document below to view the slides from the presentation:

Year 6 SATs Information Evening Slides

Arithmetic Paper

Curriculum Maps

Curriculum maps will be updated on a half-termly basis in 2023-24 

Autumn 1 2023-24


Spring 1 2023-24 Summer 1 2023-24

Autumn 2 2023-24


Spring 2 2023-24 Summer 2 2023-24


Parent Information Evening September 2023

Parents Information Evening Slides

Year 6 Home Learning

To contact the Year 6 Team, please use this email address:  






Spelling: This spelling site is offering the opportunity for parents to download an app with a free subscription.


Maths Fluency Guide For Parents

Times Tables Rockstars

Hit the Button

 Daily 10

 A great website for generator Times Table worksheets (online and to print).

 Doodle Maths (App also available)


THPT Learning Resources page - various games and activities from across the curriculum:

THPT Learning Zone


Fun French activities: 

Lumens French Award

Ideas to stay active at home: 

Active Surrey - Home Activities

Movement Breaks poster